
Welcome to the Mountain Brook Spartan Athletic Foundation's Shields Up Campaign. The goal of the Campaign is to raise money to ensure the excellence of all of the athletic programs at both MBHS and MBJH. The funds raised in the Campaign will be used to improve facilities, purchase technology and equipment, as well as any other support needed by the various sports programs.  If you want your donation to go to a specific sports program, make sure and click "yes" where indicated and type in name of the sports program so we will know how to apply your donation!  

For those not familiar with what we do, SAF is a 501(c)(3), and for over thirty years has raised money for all of the sports programs at MBHS and MBJH. To see a list of the projects, equipment and other assistance which SAF has provided, please click on the link.

There are two ways to contribute to the Shields Up Campaign. First, you can make a contribution by credit card right here in whatever amount you choose! For all donations of $50 or more, you will receive a yard sign which shows your support for Mountain Brook athletic programs.  If you would rather mail in a check, just hit the PLEDGE button, fill in your info and then mail the check to SAF at PO Box 131356, Birmingham, AL 35213. All contributions are tax deductible and will go to support Spartan Athletic Programs.

Thanks for all your support and GO SPARTANS!

149 Days to go
Funded Need

Show your support of MB Volleyball with a donation to help our Spartans go for a 4th consecutive State Championship in a row!  Your support helps us provide with all the "extras" that enables our girls to compete at an elite level.

Donate one time or set up a recurring donation with your credit card so you can give monthly with automatic payments.  It is a great way to show your support each and every month.  You can just set it and forget it.

Make sure and enter the name of the Spartan you are donating on behalf of so she will get credit for the donation. 

Thanks for all your support and GO SPARTANS!

Funded Need

Want to support all our Student Athletes?  We created the Spartan Athletic Fund so you can support ALL Spartan athletic programs at once.  The SAF is committed to supporting all athletes and all programs.  Unearmarked funds are distributed each year to all sports using a formula that takes into account participation rates, program size and other means of support.  So if you have multiple Spartans you want to support or feel passionate about all sports, you can show your support by donating to the Spartan Athletic Fund and feel good in knowing that your gift will support the entire Mountain Brook High School Athletic Program.

The Spartan Athletic Fund also gives you the ability to set up recurring donation with your credit card so you can give monthly with automatic payments.  It is a great way to show your support each and every month.  You can just set it and forget it.

If you would like your donation to benefit a specific sport, just type the name in where indicated and we will make sure that 100% of your donation is used for the program or sport you selected.

Thanks for all your support and GO SPARTANS!
